To all members of Berean: The following five men comprise the slate of Elders for Berean Bible Baptist Church.  If you are aware of any reason why any of these men cannot serve as an Elder here at Berean, please contact the Elder Board in written form regarding your charge. In your correspondence please identify yourself, the specific charge and the candidate it involves, then mail or drop it off at the church.


Earl Grant
Marlon McCurdy
Rod PonderKenneth Simmons 
Luther Weston


Church Library: Volunteers are needed to help shelve the books upstairs.  We are looking at getting this done over the next couple of weeks.  If you can help in any way please contact Pastor Perkins asap.


Website: If you are a member of Berean please register at your earliest convenience . We are asking that you register as an individuals and not a family. Please contact Caple Davis or Ron Alleyne if you need additional information.